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Send EmailThere are various methods used to detect carcinogens. Here are some common methods:
In Vivo Tests: These are tests performed on living animals. These tests are used to determine whether a substance is carcinogenic.
In Vitro Tests: These are tests performed in a laboratory environment using cell cultures or other biological systems. These methods are ethically preferred because they do not require the use of animals.
Epidemiological Studies: These are observational studies performed on human populations. These studies are used to determine whether a particular substance causes cancer.
QSAR (Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship) Models: These are computer models that predict the carcinogenic potential of chemical substances based on their structural properties.
Genotoxicity Tests: These are tests performed to determine whether a substance damages DNA. Genotoxic substances are usually carcinogenic.
These methods are critical to the safe use and management of chemicals.