İş inovasyonunu en üst düzeye çıkararak iş potansiyelinizi ortaya çıkarıyoruz.
Eposta GönderMİMOSA ME, Mimosa Me, Mimosa Tannin, Mimoza Tanen, Akasya Özü, Wattle Özü, 68911-60-4
Mimosa ME, also known as Mimosa extract, has the CAS number 68911-60-4
E Kodu: Uygulanamaz
CAS Numarası: 68911-60-4
Diğer İsimler: Akasya özü, Wattle özü
Fiziksel Özellikler:
Durum: Katı (toz formunda) veya sıvı ekstrakt
Renk: Açık pembe/kahverengi
Koku: Kendine özgü tatlı koku
Çözünürlük: Suda yüksek çözünürlük
Kimyasal Özellikler:
Ana Bileşenler: Polifenolik moleküller (tanenler)
pH: 4.6-4.8
Mimosa ME Application
Vegetable Tannage:
• Mimosa ME can be used alone for the tannage of sole leather. Depending on the substance and compaction up to 40% of Mimosa ME can be used.
• For the tanning of strap and case leathers between 10% and 20% Mimosa ME can be used. The Mimosa ME can also be used with other Mimosa products such as Mimosa WS, Mimosa FS and Mimosa RG. Re-tannage of Chrome Leather:
• The use of between 5% and 10% Mimosa ME is recommended.
• For heavy vegetable retannage on chrome leather, between 10% to 20% Mimosa ME is recommended, depending on the desired feel of the leather.