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C16-18 Alcohol Ethoxylate, Ceteareth-20, Emuldac AS-2, MARLIPAL 1618/1, Volpo CS2, Ceteareth 2-12-20-25-30-50-80, Fatty alcohol Polyoxy Ethylene Ether, Yağ alkolü Polioksietilen Eter, Nonionic Surfactant, Nonionic Fatty Alcohol Surfactants, 68439-49-6

C16-18 Alcohol Ethoxylate, Ceteareth-20, Emuldac AS-2, MARLIPAL 1618/1, Volpo CS2, Ceteareth 2-12-20-25-30-50-80, Fatty alcohol Polyoxy Ethylene Ether, Yağ alkolü Polioksietilen Eter, Nonionic Surfactant, Nonionic Fatty Alcohol Surfactants, 68439-49-6


  • Emulan® AF Fatty alcohol + 6 EO Paste approx. 11 approx. 65 / E approx. 15 (60 °C)
  • Emulan® AT 9 + 9 EO Solid approx. 13 approx. 68 / A approx. 20 (60 °C)
  • Emulan® OC + 20 EO Paste approx. 17 approx. 90 / B approx. 60 (60 °C)
  • Emulan® OG + 30 EO Powder approx. 17 approx. 92 / B approx. 80 (60 °C)
  • Disponil® LS 500 C12 C14-fatty alcohol + 50 EO Solid approx. 18.5 approx. 76 / C approx. 80 (20 %, 20 °C)
  • Disponil® A 1080 Fatty alcohol ethoxylate, modified + 10 EO Liquid approx. 14 approx. 65 / C approx. 50 (50 °C)
  • Disponil® A 3065 + 30 EO Liquid approx. 16.5 approx. 77 / C approx. 130 (50 °C)
  • Disponil® A 4065 + 40 EO Liquid approx. 16.5 approx. 76 / C approx. 265 (50 °C)
  • Disponil® NRG 301 Branched alcohol + 30 EO Liquid approx. 17.6 60%approx. 78 / C approx. 270 (40 °C)
  • Disponil® NRG 401 + 40 EO Liquid approx. 18.1 60%approx. 77 / C approx. 375 (40 °C)
  • Disponil® AFX 4030 EVO Fatty alcohol ethoxylate, modified + 40 EO Liquid approx. 18.0 approx. 80 / C approx. 45 (50 °C)

Product Description:

  • Product Name: C16-18 Alcohol Ethoxylate

  • Chemical Formula: C₁₆-C₁₈ Fatty Alcohol + EO

  • CAS Number: 68439-49-6

  • Appearance: Colorless to slightly yellow liquid

  • Molecular Weight: Varies

  • Density: Approximately 0.87 g/cm³ at 21°C

  • Solubility: Soluble in water and various solvents

Physical and Chemical Properties:

  • Physical Properties:

    • Appearance: Colorless to slightly yellow liquid

    • Density: Approximately 0.87 g/cm³ at 21°C

    • Solubility: Soluble in water and various solvents

  • Chemical Properties:

    • Chemical Formula: C₁₆-C₁₈ Fatty Alcohol + EO

    • Reactivity: Generally chemically inert and does not react with many chemicals. However, it can react at high temperatures or with strong oxidizing agents.

    • pH Stability: Stable over a wide pH range


  • Cleaning Products: Used in various cleaning applications, including hard surface cleaning and industrial cleaning.

  • Cosmetics: Used as an emulsifier in cosmetic formulations.

  • Industrial: Used in various industrial applications, including lubricants and dispersions.

Other Names:

  • C16-18 Alcohol Ethoxylate

  • Ceteareth-20

  • Emuldac AS-2

  • MARLIPAL 1618/1

  • Volpo CS2

Common Name:

  • C16-18 Alcohol Ethoxylate

  • Ceteareth 2-12-20-25-30-50-80
  • CAS NO: : 68439-49-6
  • EC numarası : 500-212-8
  • Min. saflık / konsantrasyon %99
  • Görünüm : Pullar
  • Yağ Alkolleri, C16-C18, etoksile edilmiş
  • IUPAC AdıYağ Alkolleri, C16-C18, etoksile edilmiş
  • Moleküler FormülC6H12N2O2
  • Molar Ağırlık [g/mol]144.172

Ürün açıklaması
Boyalarda ve kaplamalarda emülgatör ve stabilizatör olarak kullanılır.


Yağ Alkolleri, C16-C18, etoksile edilmiş

Ana Performans

1. Güçlü emülsifiye etme yeteneği, çeşitli polar yağları emülsifiye edebilir; Daha az dozaj, yüksek emülsifiye etme verimliliği, mükemmel emülsifiye etme performansı, genellikle CETETH6 ile paylaşılır, toplam miktar %2-%4'tür.

2. Emülsiyon görünümünden yapılmıştır, parlak, narin; Önemli viskozite oluşturmak ve viskozitenin stabilitesini korumak kolaydır.

3. Belirli miktarda elektrolit, asit veya alkaliye tolerans gösterebilir, böylece emülgatör çeşitli formülasyonlarda yaygın ve esnek bir şekilde kullanılabilir.

4. Emülsiyon ürünü yüksek stabiliteye sahiptir ve uzun vadeli stabilitesini koruyabilir.


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