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E472d, Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids, Tartaric Acid Esters, Mono and Diglyceride Tartrate Esters, Tartrated Mono and Diglycerides, TartroGlycerides, 68439-51-0

E472d, Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids, Tartaric Acid Esters, Mono and Diglyceride Tartrate Esters, Tartrated Mono and Diglycerides, TartroGlycerides, 68439-51-0

E472d, known as Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids, is a food additive primarily used as an emulsifier. Here's a detailed overview:


  • Appearance: Creamy-white powder with a mild acidic odor.

  • Solubility: Disperses well in water; soluble in oils and ethanol.


  • Food Industry:

    • Improves the quality of bread and baked goods by enhancing dough elasticity and water retention.

    • Stabilizes emulsions in products like sauces, dressings, and margarine.

    • Extends the shelf life of processed foods.

  • Other Uses:

    • Acts as a bulking agent in pastries and cakes.

    • Prevents separation in food mixtures.


E472d is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) when used within recommended limits.

E472d, also known as Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids, is referred to by several alternative names in English and Turkish.

English Other Names:

  • Tartaric Acid Esters

  • Mono- and Diglyceride Tartrate Esters

  • Tartrated Mono- and Diglycerides

  • TartroGlycerides

  • The CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) number for E472d, also known as Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids, is 68439-51-0


E472, yani Mono ve Digliseritlerin Yağ Asitleri Esterleri, gıda katkı maddesi olarak kullanılan bir grup emülgatörün genel tanımıdır. Bu grup, farklı asitlerle esterlenmiş mono ve digliseritleri içerir. İşte bu grubun alt sınıfları:

Türkçe Alt Sınıfları:

  • E472a: Asetik Asit Esterleri

  • E472b: Laktik Asit Esterleri

  • E472c: Sitrik Asit Esterleri

  • E472d: Tartarik Asit Esterleri

  • E472e: Di-asetil Tartarik Asit Esterleri (DATEM)

  • E472f: Karışık Tartarik ve Asetik Asit Esterleri

English Subcategories:

  • E472a: Acetic Acid Esters

  • E472b: Lactic Acid Esters

  • E472c: Citric Acid Esters

  • E472d: Tartaric Acid Esters

  • E472e: Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters (DATEM)

  • E472f: Mixed Tartaric and Acetic Acid Esters


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