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E422 Glycerin, Glycyl Alcohol, Glycerol,Polyglycerol, 56-81-5

E422, Glycerin, Pharma Quality, Gliserol, 56-81-5

Molecular Formula (Glycerin): C 3 H 8 O 3
Molecular Weight: 92.094 g / mol
Chemical Name: Glycerin
CAS Number: 56-81-5

This chemical is used as an intermediate in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, it is a sugar alcohol with a trihydroxy structure. It is a non-standard allergen as a chemical substance.

Glycerin formula = C 3 H 8 O 3.

It is produced from oils. It is obtained from vegetable and animal oils. It is also obtained from petrochemical raw materials. Another name is called glycerol.

It has a solvent, softener and sweetener effect as an active ingredient.

Glycerin is a trihydroxyalcohol with calcified osmotic diuretic and laxative effects. It prevents water absorption in the body. It is a chemical that has a chemical property that causes an increase in water and sodium excretion in the body and a decrease in blood volume.

Pharmaceutical glycerin is a product that is usually shipped by filling it into original packages from the factory. Bulk glycerol is a product that is filled into smaller packages from its original package when it arrives at the distribution location.

Glycerin E Code: E422.

Other names of glycerin are as follows;
Glycyl Alcohol
Synthetic Glycerol
Vegetable Glycerol
Glycerol Polymer
Refined Glycerin
Glycerin Usp
Anhydrous Form
Pharma Form
Crude Glycerin

What are its Physical and Chemical Properties?
It has a structure that forms solid rhombic crystals under the melting point of 18 ° C.
It is in a clear, colorless syrupy liquid form. Its unrefined, i.e. unpurified form resembles brown.
Its boiling point is 290 ° C.
It is defined as a chemical with a slight odor and a sweet hot taste. The taste of sugar is 60% of the taste in sugar cane.
Its density at 20 ° C is 1.26 gr/cm³.

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